

Projects may be related to research (R), education (E), industry (I), and internationalization (IN).

As Project leader:

  1. (R, I) WP2 bacterial meal production. In project: Development of BM with tailored high-lipid content for use as a feed additive in Aquaculture, USN. Founded by The Norwegian Council of Research, KSP project 326846 (2021-2025). Project owner and the partner Arctic University of Norway.
  2. (R, I) Bio-oil Decomposition and Chemical Characterization: An overview for Regional Uses. Founded by The Norwegian Council of Research, project 328352 (2021-2022). Project owner USN, Project Partner Scanship AS.
  3. (R,I) Bioelectrochemical Reactor for Biogas Upgrading with Methane production from CO2 (BioUp), NFR-321249 (2020-2021). For USN with Kjeller Innovation as Partner.
  4. (R, I) Efficient upgrading of municipal wastewater treatment plants (2017-2021). RFFOFJOR 256899. With USN, partners Biowater Technology AS, Porsgrunn Commune.
  5. (R, I) WP1 Instrumentation and control of upflow reactors (ECSBs). In project: Digitalisation in the operation, monitoring and control of large-scale biogas plants (DIGI) (2019-2022), ENERGIX-Project. With USN, partners Biokraft AS, Scandinavian Biogas Fuel AB, NTNU, NMBU, Sintef.
  6. (R, I) Biogas plant upgrading with a thermochemical and biological integrated solution (2019-2022), RFFOFJOR-298980. With USN, partner WAI Environmental Solutions AS, Grenland Vestfold Biogass AS.
  7. WP1: Anaerob råtning av pressvæske og vandig kondensat fra mellom hurtig pyrolyse prosessen. In project: Decarbonize, Ny bærekraftig teknologi for desentralisert produksjon av biokarbon for jord og- vektsmedier (2022) BIONÆR-296286. With USN, partners StandardBio, Rise PFI, Sintef Industri.
  8. (R,I) Techniques and methods for the production of high quality and stabilized bio-fertilizer (2018-2019), FORREGION-296980. With USN, partners Grønt Skifte  AS, and Lindum AS.
  9. (R,I) Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing metformin using high rate Hybrid Vertical Anaerobic reactor, HyVAB (2017). With USN, partners Biowater Technology and Vistin Pharma.
  10. (I) Start-up, and management support for food waste biogas plants(2) based on operational and chemical data (2013-2019). Two projects with intercommunal treatment plants.
  11. (I) Calcium nitrate dosage in full-scale biogas reactor for process optimization at Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsseleskap (2016). With YARA SA International.
  12. (R,I) Towards the implementation of an environmentally friendly, cost effective treatment system for reject waters from food waste biogas plants (2015-2016). With USN, partner Indre Agder og Telemark avfallsseleskap.
  13. (R, I) Biological sulphide removal from wastewater streams (2013-2015). With USN Partner YARA SA International.
  14. (I) Characterization and analysis of wastewater streams and sources data with significance to the wastewater treatment plant management and effect over the effluent parameters at Slagentangen oil refinery (2007-2009). With ExxonMobil for Biotek AS.

As Technical Manager

  1. (R, I)  Renewable Norwegian activated carbon for odor removal (2018-2019), RFFOFJOR -289172. With USN, partner YARA SA International and Sintef.
  2. (R, I)  Sludge Valorisation via Gasification – a Study with Digested Sewage Sludge and Industrial Sludge in Oslo Fjord Region (2018-2019), RFFOFJOR-279574. With USN, partner WAI environmental solutions SA.
  3. (R, I) WP2: Anaerobic methane production from lignocellulose in biofilm reactors. In project: PyroGas – Coproduction of biogas transportation fuel and biocarbon reductant material from lignocellulose side streams by combining anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis technology. ENERGIX-269322. With USN for Norske Skog Saugbrugs AS.
  4. (R, I) Biogas potential assessment of the THP treated organic sludge centrate (2016-2017). With USN, partner (founded by) Cambi AS.
  5. (R, I) Biogass 2020. Främja produktion och distribution av energi som hämtas från förnybara källor (2016-2018). Interreg, Ӧresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, European Regional Development Fund. With USN as Partner in EU prosjekt.
  6. (R, I) Reject water treatment at Lillevik RA Larvik (Forprosjekt RFFOFJOR 260457). 2016-2017. With USN partner Larvik kommune and Biowater Technology AS.
  7. (R, E) Several projects related to Biogas production from fruit residues, 2006-2010

Other project participations

  1. (IN, E) Carbon and nutrients recovery in waste/wastewater management processes, UT FORSPK partnership programme 2016, UTF- 2016/1004. Partnership with Chinese universities (4).
  2. (R) Agricultural Biogas Technology TUC, 2006-2016.
  3. (E) Stablishing the Center for the Research of Biomass Potential (Technology transfer project, Norway-Slovakia), 2015-2016. With TUC, partners Tel-Tek.
  4. (IN, E) Ukrainian-Norwegian Collaboration on Higher Education for Sustainable Energy Development” Eurasia Programme – SIU, CPEA-2010/10050, 2011-2013.
  5. (R) From biogas to fertilizer, BGG project, 2012.
  6. (R) Anaerobic degradation of amine waste (MEA) from CO2 chemical absorption TUC-TelTek.
  7. (R, I) Anaerobic degradation of petrochemical wastes. Statoil, 2006
  8. (R, E) Several projects related to Biogas production from fruit residues, 2006-2010
  9. (R) Fermentative hydrogen production in anaerobic continuous stirred tank reactor TUC, 2004-2010
  10. (R) Effluents and Nutrient Budgets in Shrimp Ponds with Different Management Practices. Ecuador, CENAIM, 1999-2001.

Ph.D. Main Supervisor

  1. Syngas fermentation and bioelectrochemistry integration in biogas process. Vasan Sivalingam, 2019-2022.
  2. Bioelectrical mediated sulphide oxidation, Vibeke Karlsen, 2020-2023.
  3. Bioelectrochemical Methanation, Vafa Ahmedi, 2021-2024.
  4. Microbial electrochemical system for CO2 conversion to methane: Optimizing process parameters experimental and modelling approach. Neha Chopra, 2019-.
  5. Electrochemical unit integration in methanogenic reactors. Anirudh Nelabhotla, 2016-2019. Graduated
  6. Biological Removal of Sulphide in EGSB Reactor. Michal Sposób, 2015-2018. Graduated

Ph.D. co-Supervisor

  1. Anaerobic Digestion of Manure Slurry in Sludge Bed Reactors. Wenche H. Bergland, 2009-2015. Graduated

M.Sc. Thesis, Supervisor

  1. Electrochemical sulphide oxidation- An experimental study, Hudda Samir Abukar Muhidin, 2021.
  2. Syngas Fermentation catalysed by electroactive biofilm, Pouria Parhizkarabyaneh, 2021.
  3. Design of bioelectrochemical reactor, Mahedi Hassan, 2020.
  4. Bioelectrochemical mediated syngas fermentation. Vafa Ahmadi, 2020.
  5. Mimic syngas fermentation in a pressure reactor. Omodara Babafemi Dare, 2019.
  6. Effect of hydraulic retention time on electrochemical biogas upgrade. Mahdi Khoshbakhtian, 2019.
  7. Monitoring and process evaluation of continuous stirred biogas reactor under semi-continuous dosages of Ca(NO3)2. Diego Carvajal, 2018.
  8. Effects of nitrate addition on anaerobic digestion of high content organic substrate in semi-continuous fed reactors. Kadja Borges Bless, 2018.
  9. Microbial catalysis of syngas fermentation into fuels precursors- An experimental approach. Pratap Jung Rai, 2017.
  10. Modelling and simulation of syngas fermentation for the production of biofuels precursors. Rostyslav Kravchuk. 2017.
  11. Are the energy pathways diverted by temperature in biological sulphide oxidation? Valerii Vyshniakov, 2017.
  12. Methods evaluation for the treatment of reject water from a food-waste biogas plant. Amund Heggholmen, 2016.
  13. Kinetic study on biological sulphide removal at low temperatures. Jens Podevyn (Erasmus, Belgium) 2016.
  14. Temperature Monitoring & controlling of an up-flow reactor with re-circulation: Design and implementation. Bovinda Ahangama Egodage, 2015.
  15. Estimations on energy use, CO2 emissions-reduction and added value on a Norwegian farm small scale biogas plant, Lorenzo Rubino (Erasmus, Italy), 2014
  16. Modelling and simulation of autotrophic and heterotrophic sulphide denitrification Reetu Bartula, 2013.
  17. Sulphide removal in low strength wastewater stream using EGSB reactor, Mehrdad Torabzadegan, 2013.
  18. Comparative study of the landfills leachate characterization and its biogas potential at the damping sites in Kiev region  Nataliia Nauchu (Internationalization project, Ukraine), 2013
  19. Biological sulphur removal. Clara Agustín Ingelmo, (Erasmus, Spain), 2012
  20. Factors influencing homoacetogenic hydrogen consumption. Shiva Prasad Amgai, 2010
  21. Biogas Feed Analysis, Yuan Song, 2010.
  22. Hydrogen consumption in acidogenic processes Jingxuan Liu, 2009
  23. Study of hydrogen sinks in anaerobic process for sludge treatment. Maitane Gañan Henales (Erasmus, Spain), 2008.
  24. Fermentative hydrogen production in an anaerobic CSTR Jaime Arenillas Lara (Erasmus, Spain), 2006,